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A wanted pregnancy is an infinite joy that only parents can fully understand. It’s the step from couple to family, in the true sense of the word. This does not mean, however, that the relationship is over. It just turns. In other words, pregnancy does not exclude romance from the couple’s relationship, nor does it exclude sex. Sex during pregnancy, beneficial or contraindicated? Surely this is the thought that makes future parents anxious.
Find out with Barza how you can enjoy fulfilling intimate relationships as long as your pregnancy is progressing normally.
Why sex during pregnancy is beneficial
Doctors and psychotherapists believe that intimate moments during pregnancy can help a couple’s relationship enormously. Thus, shared positive energy contributes to a better understanding between parents-to-be and mutual affection can reduce the stress of this period.
During pregnancy, sex is also good for the body. Orgasm tones the muscles of the uterus, and the mother-to-be will find it easier to cope with contractions when giving birth.
Although there are various myths about sex during pregnancy, most are unfounded. Once you overcome your fears, sex during pregnancy can be a very enjoyable experience, even more enjoyable than it used to be.
Why sex is more intense and enjoyable when you’re pregnant
There is a scientific explanation: the vagina benefits from better lubrication and the increased blood flow to the vulva produces stronger arousal, which favours orgasm. At the same time, the couple, freed from the worry of contraception, can enjoy intimate moments at their leisure.
When can sex become risky in pregnancy
There are cases where the gynaecologist may not think sex is recommended, in the first weeks or for a longer period of pregnancy. It’s about those tasks with problems or complications.
At the same time, when, for example, vaginal bleeding or pain occurs during or after sexual intercourse, it is a good idea to contact your doctor. This way, you’ll get the best advice in good time.
It’s important to know that during pregnancy the cervix becomes more sensitive and intercourse can cause light bleeding.
Whether there is a history of missed pregnancies or premature births, problems such as cervical insufficiency, dilated cervix, placental complications or other intimate health problems, the gynaecologist is the only one who can confirm whether or not an abortion or premature labour is likely.
Find out more in the article Myths about sex in pregnancy.
Enjoy the pregnancy, but also the sex
If the pregnancy goes smoothly, at least until the end, you can enjoy your sex life.
As the time of childbirth gets closer and closer, in the last months of pregnancy, it is advisable to have another discussion with your doctor so that you know for sure whether or not it is necessary to take a break from sex for the baby’s sake.
So where there is sexual desire and where partners are comfortable with each other, sex should not be avoided.