Pregnancy test from blood Barza
Blood pregnancy test
can be done at home at any time of the day. Detects elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in a drop of peripheral blood with a simple and safe collection. A small prick in the finger is enough to confirm/deny a pregnancy in just five minutes. This type of test is also used in laboratories and hospitals. Recommended from the first symptoms as well:
- delay of the menstrual cycle,
- nausea,
- vomiting,
- sensitive and enlarged breasts,
- mild vaginal bleeding,
- the need to urinate more often,
- state of fatigue,
- aversion or, conversely, excessive cravings for certain foods.
In case of a positive result, consult your gynaecologist.
How to use it?
The testing procedure always starts with proper preparation.
Place the contents of the box on a clean, dry, flat surface (e.g. table). Then comes the testing:
Wash your hands thoroughly. Use soap and warm water. Dry your hands with a clean towel.
Prepare the test device and pipette. Remove them from the protective envelope (tear the tape) and put them to hand (you'll need them later). Remove the desiccant bag.
Prepare the chain. Hold the chain without touching the release button. Open the chain cover with a 1/4 turn until you feel it detach from the chain, then continue twisting (2-3 turns). Don't pull, just twist and discard the lid when you're done. (fig. 1&2)
Clean the end of the middle or ring finger with cotton wool soaked in alcohol. Massage the disinfected finger towards the tip for 10-15 seconds to stimulate blood circulation.
Press the end of the chain firmly against the side of the previously disinfected finger, then press the release button (fig. 3)
The tip will automatically retract into the body of the device.
Massage the fingertip to get a sufficient sample of blood. (fig. 4)
Without depressing the pipette balloon, touch the plastic pipette to the blood sample (Fig. 5). Blood migrates into the pipette by capillary action towards the line marked on the pipette. You can massage your finger again to get more blood, if it doesn't touch the line on the pipette. If possible, avoid air bubbles.
Place the blood collected with the pipette into the sample port of the device by pressing the pipette balloon (Fig. 6).
Wait 30-40 seconds for the blood to be completely absorbed into the sample port. Unscrew the blue cap of the dilution solution dropper bottle (leave the white cap tightly screwed on) and add the dilution solution as follows: hold the dilution solution dropper bottle upright and slowly add exactly 4 drops into the sample port of the device (fig. 7) with an interval of 2-3 seconds between drops.
Read the result in the first 5 to 10 minutes. The result is not to be interpreted after 10 minutes.
Read the result
The colour and intensity of the lines are not important for the interpretation of the test result.
Positive Result
Two coloured lines appear in the window below the T (test) and C (control) marks. The colour of the T line may be less intense than the C line. The test is positive, indicating that your hCG level is over 25 IU/L or higher and that you are pregnant.
Negative Result
A single coloured line appears below the C (control) mark. The test is negative, indicating that the hCG level is below 25 IU/L.
Invalid Result
No line appears, or a line appears below the T (test) mark, with no line below the C mark. In this case, it is not possible to interpret the test, which may be considered invalid. It is recommended to repeat the test with a new Blood Pregnancy Test and a new blood sample.
Questions and answers
Product description
Blood pregnancy tests are widely used in laboratories/hospitals.
The accuracy of the test is very important indeed, as a pregnancy necessarily involves precautionary measures as well as a change in lifestyle, such as giving up smoking or drinking alcohol, reducing or even eliminating medication as well as certain foods. The blood pregnancy test is a rapid qualitative test for detecting hCG in the blood. In just 5 minutes, it is possible to detect an hCG concentration of 25 IU/L.
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