Classic pregnancy test midstream Barza
The Barza pen pregnancy test is a rapid test that detects the presence of the hormone hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in the urine, as early as the first day of late menstruation. The test can be used at any time of the day.
- it can be performed from the first day of delay of menstruation
- result in 3 minutes
- can be carried out at any time of the day
- accuracy > 99%
How to use it?
The test can be performed at any time of the day, but bear in mind that the first morning urine contains the highest level of hCG. The Barza Pregnancy Test can also detect ectopic pregnancy.
Collect urine in a clean, dry container and insert the absorbent end into the urine for 3 seconds or place the absorbent end of the test directly under the urine stream for 10 seconds.
Put the cap on the test device and wait 3 minutes for the result to be displayed. The result read after 5 minutes will not be considered correct.
Read the result
You are not pregnant
The appearance of a single pink line in the control area (C) indicates a negative result.
You are pregnant
The appearance of two pink lines, one line in the control area (C) and one line in the test area (T), indicates a positive result.
The test is not valid
If in 5 minutes no line appears in the control area (C), or only the line in the test area (T) appears, the test is invalid.
Questions and answers
Product description
The Barza midstream pregnancy test is a rapid test that detects the presence of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine from the first day of the late menstrual cycle. The test can be used at any time of the day.
The Barza pregnancy test contains specific reagents that detect even a low level of hCG (20 mIU/ml) in the urine. When your urine comes into contact with the test strip reagents, a single coloured line appears in the control area (C) if you are not pregnant, or two coloured lines appear, one in the control area (C) and one in the test area (T) if you are pregnant. The Barza Pregnancy Test can even detect an ectopic pregnancy.
The Pregnancy Test midstream Barza can be used from the very first day of late menstruation. If you use the test before the day you expect your period and get a negative result, your hormone level may not be high enough to be detected. In this case, repeat the test after a few days.
The midstream Pregnancy Test can be performed at any time of the day but keep in mind that the first morning urine contains the highest level of hCG.
Pregnancy test midstream has an accuracy greater than 99%.
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