Stages of pregnancy, week by week
26 June 2023
Future mother analysis: second trimester of pregnancy
26 June 2023
If you’re early in your pregnancy and want to find out what week of pregnancy you’re in, it’s pretty simple. You can calculate according to your last menstrual period, but also according to the average length of your menstrual cycle. This calculation will probably remind you a bit of the equations you practiced in school. In addition, in the case of an irregular cycle, the calculations are more difficult. The stork comes with good news and brings you a pregnancy test every week!
This makes it easy to determine the stage of your baby at any time with the week-by-week pregnancy test! From this article you will understand why it is essential to know how much time has passed since conception.
How to calculate your week of pregnancy yourself
- Note the date when your last menstrual period started;
- Determine the average length of your menstrual cycle (the number of days between the first day of one period and the first day of the next period). The average menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days, but can vary between 21 and 35 days.
- Take the date of the first day of the last menstrual period and add 7 days. Then you decrease the number of weeks corresponding to the length of your menstrual cycle. For example, if the length of your menstrual cycle is 28 days, you add 7 days to the date of the first day of your last menstrual period and subtract 4 weeks to get approximately the week of pregnancy.
If you don’t have the patience to calculate, or if you are missing relevant data at the time you suspect you might be pregnant, then you can use the Barza Pregnancy Week Test. It generates results with laboratory precision (over 99% accuracy): you find out in just 5 minutes how many weeks pregnant you are!
PONT: did you hear about the Barza app – How long have I been pregnant?
The quick test to determine the week of pregnancy, fast and comfortable!
The BARZA Pregnancy Test with week determination comes to the aid of women who experience menstrual cycle disorders and cannot easily identify the day of conception.
Specifically, this test indicates the age of pregnancy as follows: from the first to the second week, from the second to the third week and from the third week upwards.
With this test you can find out in just 5 minutes whether the hormone hCG (the hormone secreted by the placenta during the first months of pregnancy) is present in your urine. The detection of very small amounts of hCG hormone in the urine (10mIU/ml.) allows to indicate the weeks that have passed since conception.
You should be aware that such devices are also used in medical practice, allowing specialists to obtain relevant data about both the stage of pregnancy and the time of conception.
Five reasons why it’s essential to know your pregnancy week
1. Monitoring fetal development
Depending on the week of pregnancy, the doctor can determine the size of the foetus, the development of the organs and other important aspects of its development.
2. Planning prenatal tests and examinations
Your doctor will recommend prenatal tests, depending on your week of pregnancy. These may include ultrasounds, blood tests and other assessments to monitor the health of you and your unborn baby.
3. Identifying possible complications or risks
Some complications and risks may be more common in certain weeks of pregnancy. By knowing the week of pregnancy, the doctor can monitor and assess specific risks and intervene appropriately to prevent complications.
4. Information about changes and symptoms specific to each week of pregnancy
Each week of pregnancy comes with specific changes and symptoms. This way, you can be properly informed and better understand what symptoms are normal and what are not, and how to manage them.
5. Preparing for postpartum life
Knowing your week of pregnancy helps you prepare, relaxed and with well-planned steps, for childbirth. Plus, you won’t be taken by surprise by all that life with a newborn entails. You can, for example, sign up for training courses for mothers-to-be (childcare) or you can decorate your baby’s room at your leisure.