Infertility in women: causes, symptoms, treatment
28 April 2023
Am I pregnant or not?
28 April 2023
A child is a whole new responsibility, and the feeling of being a parent is unique. It is one of those experiences that can hardly be described, but are worth living to the full. It’s important that you and your partner talk about your desire early on. “I want to be a mommy!”.
Discover with Barza what the journey to becoming a parent entails!
I want to be a mommy! How long does it take to get pregnant?
Most healthy couples under 35 who have regular sex without using contraception will have a baby within a year.
In biological terms, conception occurs when the sperm meets an egg during a woman’s fertile period. The time it takes to achieve pregnancy can vary depending on a number of factors, which affect both a woman’s fertility and her partner’s reproductive capacity.
At the same time, it is important to remember that every woman is different. The length of the menstrual cycle and the fertile window interval can vary from one body to another.
It is also essential to bear in mind that certain medical conditions can affect your reproductive capacity. These include: infertility, hormonal problems or other undiagnosed and untreated intimate conditions.
How to find out which is the most fertile period
The fertile period is most likely to occur during a woman’s menstrual cycle around the middle day of the cycle. The length of the menstrual cycle can vary, but is typically about 28 days. In this case, the fertile period would be around the 14th day of the cycle (counting the first day of menstruation as day 1).
In the case of an irregular menstrual cycle, ovulation tests can accurately indicate the optimal time for conception.
Experts believe that the chances of getting pregnant are best about five days before ovulation, including the day of ovulation. This period is also known as the ‘fertile window’, peaking on the day before, as well as on the actual day of egg release.
How to increase your chances of getting a job
It’s important to be patient and not to stress if you don’t get pregnant on the first try. It’s good to know that only 25% of couples who try to conceive succeed in the first month. This percentage should not discourage you. Sometimes the baby can be left waiting longer(90% of couples conceive within the first 12 months of trying consistently).
Remember to inform yourself about what to do and what not to do to achieve a successful pregnancy!
Discover the Stork Ovulation Calculator HERE.
I want to be a mommy! Am I fertile?
If you have certain suspicions about your or your partner’s fertility and if you have been trying for more than a year to get pregnant, it is advisable to consider couple fertility testing. This is possible, at home, with the male & female fertility tests Stork. In a few minutes, you know where the problems are! It’s worth bearing in mind that stress and anxiety can negatively affect fertility. Therefore, get rid of the hassle!
If you and your partner have already been to the doctor and made sure everything is okay so you can conceive a baby, congratulations! So it might just take a little more patience. Be optimistic and show understanding and affection for each other!