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Childbirth is a unique moment in a woman’s life. Bringing a new soul into the world is an extraordinary and exciting experience. However, for many women, the thought of childbirth is accompanied by fear and anxiety. It’s perfectly normal to feel fear in the face of the unknown, but it’s important to understand that you can overcome this fear. Read these tips and strategies, conquer your fear of childbirth and enjoy the wonderful experience of being pregnant.
Get informed and prepare yourself
One of the best ways to overcome your fear is to inform and prepare yourself beforehand. Knowledge is power, so read books on childbirth, take antenatal classes and talk to other parents or experts in the field.
The more information you have about the birth process, the more confident and prepared you will feel.
Communicate with other parents
Sharing experiences with other parents can be a great help in overcoming fears about giving birth. Hear their stories, listen to their advice and encouragement. You are part of a community of people who have been through the same experience and have successfully overcome fears and fears.
Bear in mind, however, that every such experience differs from mum to mum. Your body, the way your pregnancy has gone so far and your emotional state may make it easier to give birth. That’s why you shouldn’t be swayed by experiences that tell of long and harrowing journeys.
There are women who have a very quick and pain-free birth. Plus, when you’re informed and know what to expect, childbirth doesn’t seem as scary. And once you manage to banish the anxiety and trust in your strength, the pain will be much easier to bear.
Seek emotional support
Of course this fear is not always easy to overcome, especially when there is an unpleasant medical history. Don’t hesitate to ask for help to overcome a past trauma such as the loss of a pregnancy. In addition, communicating as openly as possible with your doctor during pregnancy can give you much-needed peace of mind. Trust him. After all, that’s precisely why you chose it. Also discuss the possibility of having your partner attend the birth, if this would help you feel more comfortable or safe.
Also, don’t hesitate to express your emotions and fears about giving birth to your partner, family and close friends. There are support groups for pregnant women where you can meet other women going through the same experience and share your worries and hopes.
Practice relaxation and breathing techniques
Relaxation and breathing techniques can be very effective in managing anxiety and stress associated with childbirth. You can learn deep breathing, meditation or prenatal yoga techniques that will help you stay calm and focused during childbirth.
A Lamaze course is a good idea. You’ll learn how to breathe in labour, how to relax and how to prepare for an (easier) birth. In addition, such a course can give you important information not only about childbirth, but also about breastfeeding and baby care.
Create a personalised birth plan
A birth plan can help you feel more in control and express your wishes and preferences about giving birth. Talk to the doctor with whom you are going to give birth about the options available and work out a plan that gives you the security you need.
Overcome your fear of childbirth, think positive!
Last but not least, it is very important how you look at birth. If you see it as absolutely normal, as an experience that is meant to bring you fulfilment, then you will look forward to the moment with less anxiety and more confidence that everything will be fine, that you can cope with it.
In any case, thinking that childbirth means suffering or that it involves risks does you no good. Especially if the pain gets too much, the doctor will not let you suffer any more than necessary and will relieve your pain with epidural anaesthesia.
Focus on the image of the baby cooing happily in your arms! Forget worries about how long labour will last or how you’ll get your figure back. Go confidently ahead with your birth preparations, which you can read a mini-guide about in THIS ARTICLE.