Pregnancy versus Career
28 April 2023Complications and conditions of pregnancy
28 April 2023The period before the birth of a child is full of anticipation, excitement and fear. It’s important to make sure you have everything ready before your little one comes into the world. We know these preparations can sometimes be overwhelming, but organisation and planning can help make things easier. Barza understands your fears and in this article helps you make birth preparations: 5 things to do before the big event. Take care of yourself and enjoy feeling relaxed when you hold your baby for the first time!
Overcome your fear of childbirth
It’s perfectly normal to feel fear in the face of the unknown, especially if you’re having your first baby. But it’s important to understand that you can overcome fear to enjoy this wonderful experience.
One of the best ways to overcome fear is to inform and prepare in advance. Read books about childbirth, take antenatal classes and talk to other parents and experts in the field. The more you know about childbirth, the more confident and prepared you will feel.
It’s important to communicate with other parents to hear their stories and advice, as well as for emotional support. Talking openly about anxieties helps you get the emotional support you need to overcome fear. Plus, you’ll feel like you’re part of a community of women who have successfully overcome fears and fears.
Practice relaxation and breathing techniques, which can be effective in managing anxiety and pre-birth stress. Deep breathing techniques, meditation or prenatal yoga help you to keep calm and focus during childbirth.
Find out more in this article.
Exercises for an easier birth
The moment you bring a new life into the world is an extraordinary and forever memorable one. However, many mothers-to-be feel a certain fear about giving birth and the whole process that goes with it. Fortunately, there are methods and techniques that can help you overcome your fears. Practice them, trust yourself, and you will turn birth into a positive and wise experience.
One of the methods a represents Lamaze courseswhere couples learn about the birthing process – the different stages of childbirth, how the body prepares for this event and possible medical interventions that may take place, relaxation and breathing techniques, as well as developing confidence in a woman’s own ability to give birth.
During the last months of pregnancy, it is advisable to do certain physical exercises designed specifically for labour and birth. Read up on Kegel exercises, pelvic tilts, the tailor’s or shoemaker’s position and other pregnancy gymnastics. This gets your pelvic muscles used to the strain of childbirth, toning them to improve blood circulation and make labour easier to bear. In addition, this prevents problems from occurring after birth and you will be able to recover much faster.
An important choice: natural childbirth or caesarean section?
This is one of the most important decisions you need to make about giving birth. Both normal and caesarean birth have advantages and disadvantages. The choice between them can be influenced by many factors, including medical indications and mother’s preferences.
Natural childbirth is the traditional way of bringing a baby into the world. The process begins with labour: the uterus contracts, opens the cervix and allows the foetus to pass through the birth canal. Natural childbirth has the advantage that it can have a quicker and easier recovery period for the mother. The baby can also benefit from a number of advantages: a better adaptation process to life outside the womb, a stronger immune system.
However, natural childbirth can sometimes be a long and difficult process. The pain can be intense, and some women may have complications such as a ruptured perineum or the need for instrumental intervention.
Caesarean section, on the other hand, is a surgical procedure in which the baby is extracted through an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus. This procedure may be scheduled in advance or may be necessary in case of complications that endanger the health of the mother or baby. Advantages of Caesarean section include more accurate planning, reduced risk of perineal trauma and the possibility to avoid labour and pain associated with vaginal birth.
However, caesarean section involves a longer and more difficult recovery period for the mother because of the surgery and the risks associated with any invasive procedure. The baby may also have an increased risk of respiratory problems and of adapting to life outside the womb.
To make your decision easier, we invite you to read more about the type of birth that suits you.
Pack your maternity bag
Don’t leave it to the last minute to prepare for when you go to the maternity ward to give birth. It’s important to have your luggage well prepared and organised to make your experience as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Knowing that everything is ready for you and your baby and that you are not missing anything contributes to your well-being and relaxation.
Your luggage should not be missing all the necessary documents and papers, such as ID, health card and any contract/admission form if you are born in a private hospital. During your hospital stay, you’ll need comfortable, easy-to-wear clothes for both you and your baby, plus 1-2 disposable blankets and diapers for newborns.
Also pack your bag ahead of time with basic personal hygiene products such as soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant and sanitary pads. You may also need some baby hygiene products such as shampoo and mild soap.
Last but not least, to pass the time more easily, you can take a book or your favourite magazines with you. Get inspired in putting together your birth bag in this article.
Organise your baby’s room and prepare your family for the new member
Preparing the room for the baby is another important aspect, which may take a longer period of time. If space does not allow you to devote an entire room to your baby, it is a good idea to make the necessary changes in advance to create a little corner in the parents’ or siblings’ room.
Make sure you have the necessary furniture, such as a crib, dresser with drawers for baby’s clothes and belongings. Clean the room and make sure it’s a safe environment for the child.
Now is the time to set up a video surveillance system, if you wish, and make sure you have all the essentials such as nappies, nappy and toys for the first few months, bottles and other necessary accessories.
If it’s not your first pregnancy, the baby will be welcomed home not only by daddy, but also by a little brother or sister of a similar age. That’s why it’s good to talk to your little one during the pregnancy, to explain that they will soon have a new playmate. You need to get used to the idea that you will no longer be alone with your parents so that they don’t feel they have lost their place in the family, are no longer as loved or the new member is more important.
Here’s how you can prepare your family for your new baby.
Pre-birth preparations are essential to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible and to feel ready to welcome your new family member. With proper planning and preparation, you can reduce stress and enjoy this special time in your life more.
The stork wishes you an easy birth and a happy baby!